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and I would love to help you

For those seeking a heightened sense of fulfilment or self-awareness, achieving goals professionally or privately, or just taking the edge off the stresses and strains of work and life, Elisheva wellness practice offers the perfect balance. 


Focused sessions put you on the path of the more complete you, and give you those tools to gain the most life has to offer.


I am qualified in the areas of integrative psychotherapy, health & fitness, leadership and organisational performance, quality and change management.


My unique professional background is one of global and national management. High-pressure areas of business and human resources were my playground for two decades. In this time, I lead teams to obtain numerous awards and recognition in our field of expertise. In my personal life I excelled nationally in competitive sport and fitness. 


My personal and professional experiences have given me a unique insight and understanding of the pressures of work and life. I combine personal experience, academic study and desire to help people excel, to assist in creating a space for you to retreat and develop.

Elizabeth Rowe
​Integrative Psychotherapist & Wellness Specialist



  • Graduate Diploma of International Business

  • Bachelor of Commerce (E-Commerce & Human Resource Management)

  • Associate Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy 

  • Advanced Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy

  • Diploma of Hypno-Counselling

  • Neuroleadership Brain-Based Coach

  • Diploma of Fitness (Fitness Specialist)

  • Diploma of Exercise Science 

  • Certificate IV in Assessment Workplace Training 

  • Certificate IV in Workplace Health and Safety

  • Australian Institute of International Affairs

  • Australian Human Resource Institute

  • Australian Hypnotherapists Association 

  • Australian Association of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy​​



  • World Vision

  • UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)

  • Mossy Earth



The skills that we can teach you have been scientifically tested and found to be effective in reducing the intensity of all the major symptoms.  You will have these skills available to you at any time for the rest of your life.

Change may be uncomfortable, resisting change will cause (more) pain.
"Elizabeth's intervention changed my life at a time I was afflicted by stress, anxiety and low self-worth.  Over the years, psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors had diagnosed me with anxiety or depression, yet none of them taught me how to manage or resolve the underlying causes.

Elizabeth's unique methods showed me how to control my thoughts, instead of letting my thoughts control me, to bring calm and confidence."

- TASH, 51

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